Monday, January 10, 2011

December Fun 2010 and Christmas!!

Well I am WAY behind on posting so some of these are just gonna be short and sweet but since december was such a fun month I am gonna try to include a pic of all the fun stuff. All the things that surround christmas are SO much more fun and magical when u share them with a child and at this age everything is just amazing. The joy and excitement in austin's eyes makes every long line I stood in or detail i stressed over it so worth it. We of course hit every christmas parade possible, enjoyed a little snow, saw Santa several times, celebrated Austin's 3rd birthday and enjoyed a wonderful christmas with family!! I hope u enjoy the pictures!!

Our new family member markle the elf showed up this year to help santa keep an eye on Austin and he was xtra good b/c of it!!!

My sweet family at the Brandon xmas parade!!!

Corey and austin early sat morning at the Madison xmas parade!!!

Sweet boy enjoying a school friends bday party!!!

Train ride at the birthday!!!

Xmas card picture 2010.... thanks Aunt Lisa!!!!

Austin and the very "authentic" looking santa at the science museum xmas festival!!!

Showing off his elf tattoo.. he was so proud of it!!

Another train ride at science museum xmas festival!!

Super excited to see Santa... he came to bass pro shop as always and we had to go see him!!!

Giving santa his wish list.... and making sure he got everything down!!!

The long awaited children's museum opened this month and austin had a big time!!!

Pirate Austin!!

After his first school xmas party!!!

Me and austin at our yearly canton trip on his birthday!!!

Loves riding rides!!!

My family Canton 2010!!!

Play group xmas party pic attempt... ha ha!!

Crazy child!!!

Xmas tradition we make gingerbread houses for Santa!!!

We each made our own this year!!!

Christmas Eve and ready to put out his reindeer food!!!

Making sure Rudolph has plenty to eat!!

headed to bed to wait on Santa!!!

Santa Came!!!!

First look at all his loot!!

LOVES the batcave!!!

Buzz lightyear wings!!!

All his stuff from Santa =)

Riding his scooter from Corey's parents while wearing his buzz wings =)

His new car like Papa Lou's from gigi and papa Santa!!!

Uncle T taking the car for a spin!!!!

Austin and my sweet mammaw!!