December 2009: Helping mommy and daddy decorate for xmas!!
November 2009: So Handsome hanging out at daddy's nursery!
October 2009: Our little Slugger... have I mentioned he loves baseball!
September 2009: Family Beach Trip and he loved it... I think he is gonna be a beach person just like his momma =)!!
August 2009: Showing of his Blues Clues Skills, he is doing the thinking pose!! He still loves Blue and screams clue whenever he sees a pawprint.
July 2009: Chowing down on a hotdog at the braves game! He also LOVES some baseball!
June 2009: Rocking out in the living room!
May 2009: Just rididng in the care and I felt the need for a photot. I am telling you I want to remember every moment.
April 2009: My little Cookie Monster!
March 2009: First time at Natural Science Museum he loved the fish!
February 2009: Celebrating Gigi birthday at P. F. Changs and chowing down on some birthday cake.
January 2009: Oh how I love everything about this little man!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Last 12 of the 24 months of austin....
Posted by Corey Renee and Austin at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
more austin....
December 2008: Enjoying his smash cake on his birthday!!! Can't beleive its been a year... oh how time goes too fast!
November 2008: We took him to see Santa the week of Thanksgiving last year... loved all the stuff they had set up but hated Santa. This year he is giving Santa high Fives and running up to him =)!
October 2008: It''s a bird, its a plane, no it's super Austin!! Halloween "08
September 2008: This is one of my favorite pictures he is cheesin for the camera at mamaw's house! Couldn't go one day without that sweet smile!
August 2008: Although every day has been wonderful he has had his moments of not so happy times. Think this was b/c I told him NO while he was trying to pull down the lamp.
Posted by Corey Renee and Austin at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
24 Months of Austin continued...
July 2008: Having fun in his very own frog pool in the back yard! He loved this little pool but is to big for it now, he sat it in this summer and looked and we like okay what now I can't move around!!
June 2008: First time at the outdoor pool.... and oh how everyone hated that hat except mommy and Gigi!
May 2008: At Maley's Swim School when he was four and a half months old and now we just finished Water Babies Three. He is getting better and better and has no fear of the water!
April 2008: Enjoying a little tummy time!! Oh how we couldn't wait for him to be mobile and now we long for him to sit still. =)
Posted by Corey Renee and Austin at 12:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
The 24 Months of Austin
MARCH 2008: My Sweet Baby!
FEBRUARY 2008: This sweet picture was taken in February, it was the morning of his Baptism. So sweet!
JANUARY 2008: This was taken at the very beginning of January before we went for his first check up at 2 weeks. He had just finished eating so that he would cooperate for his visit!
DECEMBER 2008: My Sweet Baby at one day old... oh how I wish I good go back to those first few hours and take it all in again. Who new this would be the greatest day of my life!
Since Austin is turning two saturday I decided I would do some posts this week to reflect the last two years in photos, so here it goes. I am posting one pic from each month over the past two years over the next couple of days. It is amazing how much he has grown. Hope you all enjoy b/c I have enjoyed looking back through all the pictures!
Posted by Corey Renee and Austin at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Two Years Ago
Well it is so hard to believe my sweet baby boy is turning two next week. Oh how time flies. Above is a picture of the day he sat up all by himself at a few days shy of 5 months. I quickly remember thinking I would always remember that day but as these past two years have flown by I think of how with so many memories and firsts it is hard to keep up. As hard as it is to think of him growing up it is more exciting to see who this sweet child will become. Over the past two years I have learned so much about him. He is quiet in public but in the comfort of his own home and familiar people he chatters away in his own little vocabulary, he is strong willed and at times stubbborn but also shows love and affection at the time when it is needed or wanted most, his smile can light up the room and though not always plastered across his face he has his own little way of letting us know he is happy (his hands), he is most happy when mommy daddy and austin are all at home simply playing hide and seek or chase, his laughter is the sweetest sound on the earth and the one sound I truly could not live without ever hearing again, he is BUSY just like his momma and we rarely sit still, he gets so proud of himself when he accomlishes something no matter how big or small (a trait I hope he never loses), he knows he is loved the one thing I want him most to understand and I really could go on and on but will stop here. When I first found out I was pregnant I was so scared of what kind of mom I would be and would I be able to give up "my life" but now in these two short years I have learned i love being a mom more than anything in this world and I didn't have to give up anything but yet I GAINED more than words could ever express. And although these past two years have gone by so incredibly fast and I feel as if I have so much to remember and take in, I so look forward to all there is to come. Happy Almost Birthday Austin!! Mommy loves you more than words could ever express and Thank you for the past two years you have made every day a day to remember and cherish!
Posted by Corey Renee and Austin at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Its Christmas time!
Well Christmas is probably my favorite time of year and even more so now that I can share it with my child. We have kept busy going to parades, seeing santa, shopping, decorating and all the other fun that this time of year brings. Below are a few pics over the past few weeks hope you enjoy!
Posted by Corey Renee and Austin at 9:04 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Our Hip Hoppin Family
Posted by Corey Renee and Austin at 12:58 PM 0 comments