Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Catchin Up Again!

Well once again mommy has fallen behind on the bloggin. But things around the house have been crazy!! We have had two weddings in a row and then Easter. It has been hard to keep up. Anyways we have been good. I went for my 15 month checkup a week ago and I am growing like a weed. We also found out I had fluid behind my ears again so they are taking me to some ENT doctor (doesn't sound fun) this week. But other than that I am great. We start Maley's swim school in two weeks with my buds zach and Hayes. The weather is great and my sweet mommy spends alot of time outside with me. We have tried everypark in the area. Anyways here are some pics from all the fun. Above is me eating some cookies at mamaw's, we went for yet another wedding was in.

Two of my favorite people at Aunt Karla's Bridesmaid Luncheon. I love these two!

These are two of mommy's bestest friends in the whole world. Aunt Karla and Aunt Missy!! Aunt Karla was getting married. Not sure what that is all about but I got to get dressed up and eat cake and dance!! (Sorry no pics at the wedding b/c mommy was too busy dancing and forgot the camera!)

My mommy and daddy! Need I say more - although that doesn't look like my mommy b/c she usually has her hair in a ponytail and is chasing me around in her jammies b/c I scream and throw things in the bathtub and turn the water on if she tries to get in the shower while I am home. That is how her cellphone got a bath a few months ago!

Oh and by the way go by my dady's new nursery (plants not kids). It's grand opening was a few weeks ago. We are so proud. I love it b/c I get to go hang out and play. Anyways that is a little of what we have been up to.